Presentation Skills >> Boosting your confidence when presenting
Presenting to a group of people can be daunting, and if you are not able to control your nerves
it can ruin your presentations. This practical course is designed to look at the component
parts of presenting, with a particular attention to controlling your nerves and boosting your
confidence. The course has a maximum group size of 8 participants allowing the time required to practice new techniques.
- How to create a successful introduction
- Structuring your presentation to make it easier for you to follow
- Using multimedia tools effectively
- Learning how to relax and stay focused
- Using techniques to counteract negative thoughts
- Project confidence and authority using
- Tone
- Body language
- Selective terminology
- Learn how to finish your presentation positively maximising impact
- How to deal with the audience and handle challenging situations confidently
- Complete a detailed step-by-step action plan for your development
Course Overview
Preparing your presentation
- Preparing your introduction
- The three stage introduction
- Understanding the audience and adapt the presentation accordingly
- Understanding how to get your points across concisely
- Creating links to make your presentation flow
- Techniques to make your presentation interesting
Controlling nerves and building confidence
- Controlling your nerves,
- Techniques to build confidence
- Body language and the impact on the audience
- Projecting your voice to maintain interest
Delivering your presentation
- Practicing your introduction (the three stage model)
- Projecting confidence through your body language
- Making sure your pace and tone are correct for maximum impact
- Using multimedia tools appropriately
- The common mistakes people make
- Tips from the experts
- Dealing with difficult audience members and difficult questions
- Successful closing techniques – finishing on a positive for maximum impact
Personal Development
- Create a detailed step-by-step action plan for your development